“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.” - C.S. Lewis

Sunday 7 July 2013


I felt topic three is more lengthy and complex than topic two. As we discussion about information systems, so I learned about computer based information system, types of information system that are used in organization.

CBIS (Computer Based Information System): 

This systems use computer technology to accomplish some or all their tasks which is made by hardware, software, database, telecommunications procedures and people for decision making purpose. Support competitive advantage, support business making, support business operations and process are function of CBIS. Mainly we use computer based system in organization, business sector to keep much faster than manual system. And files within a computer based information system can be password – protected so that only authorized user can access the data.

Components of CBIS

Hardware: Hardware can be a single PC, a single main frame or networks of computers. It also includes physical device to control the process of input and output like keyboard, mouse and modem.

Software: different types of software used in Computer Based Information System (CBIS). Application software where includes the words processing  graphic, database, project management  System software which is controls and maintains the operations of the computer and its devices for examples windows 7, Linux extra. And programming language is a tool to write or create programs such as FOTRAN, COBOL extra.

 People: Those who are involved with the system or using the system. For example IT manger, system developer, system analyst and design.

Data: Consists of facts, text, graphic, figure that can be recorded and that have   specific meaning.

Procedure:  Instructions and rules to design and use information system. For example some procedures describe when each program should be run.


*Transaction Processing System (TPS) 
*Management Information System (MIS)
*Decision Support System (DSS)
 *Executive Support System (ESS)
 *Expert Support System (ES)
 *Other is (Office Support System, Knowledge Support System)

Transaction processing system (TPS) is and information processing system that perform and records the data from everyday operations throughout every division or department in the organization. It will help the organization to control overtime of processing because transaction processing system is really fast to process data.  For example ATM machine, online booking ticket, fast food restaurant process customer order extra. And there are two methods of Transaction Processing System.

First is OLTP-Online Processing system which is a direct processing system. And it provides direct results to the system operator or customer. Second one is batch processing that collects transactions in groups, called batches, and processes them together for example telephone account, CG PA system. 

 Session two still we were in topic three where we learnt about system methodology. Firstly we learnt about what is ISD (Information System Development)? Steps of ISD systems, what is methodology, types of system methodologies.  

Information System Development (ISD) is a theoretical model used in Project Management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project. This Systems development is the process of defining, designing, testing, and applying a new software application or program. In same class we learnt about methodology it is a set of methods and principles to perform a specific activity. Procedures, methods and tools are key element of methodology and there is various types’ information system development which is as below:

*Gane and Sarsons
*Information Engineering  
*Jackson System Development
*Prototyping iterative approach
*Structured approach
*Soft System Methodology

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